Impacted to Impact

“We have been impacted by the Life of Christ to impact the life of another”

Who are we? We are a Church who are born again, spirit filled, authentic followers of Jesus. Teaching & training disciples in the word of God. We are welcoming, edifying generous, diverse, passionate praising & worshipping devoted lovers of God, each other and community.

The love Jesus has loved us with is a love that should touch another. So, the love & life of Jesus has impacted me to impact another. Beyond just being personally impacted to be an impact to another.

Heart for the House

Life Impact church Mackay must exist into the future. We value the gospel and the demonstrations of its power and remain committed to preserving and developing 5 Wellington St as a house of worship, leading people to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. 1 Chron 29

Operation Lift Local

We sow for the kingdom of God to advance in our communities. We cannot just exist into the future, but we must impact another’s existence in our City and Region. Ecc 11:1

Operation Lift Nations

Our reach of impact also extends to impact another’s existence across the nations. Raising health and education standards wherever the need arises. Prov 11:25

Leave a Legacy

We are constantly considering what legacy we leave as followers of Jesus and a local church. To see as Jesus sees to move as He moves.

We love long enough & strong enough to see you breakthrough.

Global Care

Global Care is our registered ‘Not for Profit’ charity arm of INC. INC have established Global Care to help impact those in need.

Life Impact Church, Global Care, sets aside funds to support local needs in our community, from individual, family & community that are struggling through hard times, to natural disaster responses in our region or regions further afield.

It is our desire to build this fund so Life Impact Church Mackay,through Global Care, is positioned to responded as need arises. Life Impact Church is constantly contacted for such support.

Our previous activities through Global Care have seen many impacted with the love, care & compassion that Jesus Christ campaigned for.

From food vouchers, Christmas hampers, furniture replacements, lawn mowed, King Lake fire response & Feed the Farmer project which saw 37 semi trailers of hay delivered through the Western QLD and much much more.

Every donation over $2 is tax deductable.

Life Impact Church & Global Care Impacts lives!!!

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